Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spanish accomplishment and pic of the week:

Spanish accomplishment: While my Spanish has dramatically improved, talking on the phone is never easy, especially with a native.  Needless to say I was a bit nervous when I received a phone call yesterday from the airline company's 1-800 number.  But, I managed to hold the conversation, successfully cancel unneeded tickets, and answer all of his questions with very little faltering! 

To celebrate, I'm off to Germany for the weekend to visit some Pomona friends and remember what 40 degrees feels like! BRRRRR!

Pic of the week: Celebrating my housemate's and our host-brother's birthday (same day!).  Paella and cake galore! (Please admire my host-dad's face.  For some reason, smile on three is a hard concept)

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